Austin Rover 2019 Calendar

Today we have been told that our TRRL Metro has made it into this years Metro Owners Club 2019 Calendar.

Here is our conformation email:

Hi Mark,
Thanks again for the pictures you sent and persevering to get the high res ones – much appreciated. One of yours is in the calendar for November – I’ve attached a picture.
The calendars are £5 to members and can be collected at Milton Keynes on 30th September or at the NEC in November. I am also happy to post them at an extra £1.50. If you want one just send me an email at and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

On Wednesday 30th October 2019 this car was featured by “Classic Car Weekly”. (Click here for details)  

A month before (November 2019) it featured in the Austin Metro Owner Club Calendar.

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